- Agriculture industry
Agriculture is one of the leading sectors of the Ukrainian economy. In 2016, the sector’s share amounted to 13.7% of the GDP of the country and 14.2% in 2015. Its share along with the food industry is more than 18% of the gross domestic product of Ukraine.
- Olga Trofimtseva, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
- Bohdan Leshchyshen, CUTIS Canadian Project Director
Moderator: Mark Markevych, President of Crossways MK Consulting
- Energy industry
The energy industry is composed of oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear and hydropower, wind and solar. The basis of the energy industry is electricity. The power generating capacity of wholesale electricity market in Ukraine is nuclear, thermal, hydro and alternative energy with an installed capacity of about 52,730 MW. The average annual production of electricity is about 195.5 billion kWh. In 2016, Ukraine exported 520,600 tons of coal with a total value of $44.8 million. In 2016, Ukraine exported 233,587 tons of petroleum products with a total value of $86.5 billion.
- Nataliya Boyko, Deputy Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine
- Bohdan Leshchyshen, CUTIS Canadian Project Director
Moderator: Mark Markevych, President of Crossways MK Consulting
- Infrastructure and Logistics industry
The Infrastructure and Logistics industry is dependent on a strong transport sector. The Ukrainian transport sector has five transport modes: road rail, maritime, inland waterway and air transport. The transport sector of Ukraine includes: 22,000 km of railway routes, 170,000 km of automobile roads, 2,200 km of navigable waterways, 13 seaports, 4 fishing ports, 11 rivers terminals, and 21 airports. Transport, storage, postal and courier activity represents 6.6% of Ukraine’s GDP and employs 1 million people. In 2015, transport industry had estimated revenues of US$11.5 billion (5.1% of the business revenues in Ukraine).
- Viktor Dovgan, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine
- Bohdan Leshchyshen, CUTIS Canadian Project Director
Moderator: Mark Markevych, President of Crossways MK Consulting
- IT & Telecom industry
IT segments (software development + computer hardware) and Telecom (communications services, including the Internet) had estimated revenues of US3.6 billion and grew by 22% in 2016. The major revenue components of the IT segment are computer equipment – 83%, IT services – 19% and packaged software – 7%.
- Mikhail Titarchuk, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine
- Bohdan Leshchyshen, CUTIS Canadian Project Director
Moderator: Mark Markevych, President of Crossways MK Consulting