The 12th International Ukrainian Energy Forum of the Adam Smith Institute is returning as an annual meeting place for Ukrainian and international energy leaders!

It is with great excitement we announce that Ukrainian Energy Forum returns to serve as the annual meeting place for international energy leaders on 14-16 July at Parkovy Congress and Exhibition Centre, Kyiv.

With this invitation via  Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce you are entitled to a 15% discount.

Simply quote your VIP code: EUC017mCUCC REGISTRATION ONLINE.

We are honoured to announce that the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal will be opening the Ukrainian Energy Forum with a keynote address on 14th July at Parkovy Conference & Exhibition Centre in Kyiv.

This year’s Forum will focus on the progress made by the government in establishing domestic energy independence via the signing of eight new PSAs, developing a fully-fledged domestic market for gas and electricity, and integrating Ukraine into the European energy market.

The speaker faculty, composed of 70+ top-level decision-makers, will discuss current plans and efforts to modernise the Ukrainian energy system, as well as the next milestones that need to be reached to ensure the effective collaboration of all stakeholders.

Meet our first speakers joining the line-up for the Ukrainian Energy Forum:

  • Andriy Gerus, Chairman of the Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities Services, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
  • Janez Kopač, Director, The Energy Community
  • Roman Opimakh, Chairman, State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine
  • Maxim Timchenko, CEO, DTEK
  • Victor Gladun, CEO, JKX Oil&Gas
  • Oleg Nykonorov, CEO, Regional Gas Company
  • Maris Kunickis, CEO, DTEK Renewables
  • Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Management Board, Ukrenergo
  • Sergiy Makogon, General Manager, Gas TSO of Ukraine
  • Dale Perry, Managing Partner, ERU
  • Igor Schurov, General Director, DTEK Oil&Gas
  • Ihor Syrota, CEO, Ukrhydroenergo


Next month the Forum will bring together around 80 speakers and 400 attendees, providing the leading platform for domestic and international decision-makers to have practical discussions about new opportunities for the business, industry and international community.

Among the new discussion topics this year:

  • Energy security in the context of NS2 developments
  • Developing LNG partnerships
  • Domestic retail gas market functioning under the new annual contracts
  • Regional Gas Hubs and GTSO of Ukraine’s strengths and opportunities
  • Building a business case for hydrogen
  • Tapping into the reserves on the Black Sea shelf and Yuzivska field
  • PECs as a way to tackle depleted and mature fields in Western Ukraine
  • Facilitating investment into upstream through the presidential Law on State Support for Investment Projects

Electricity Focus Day:

  • Addressing historical feed-in-tariff debt in the power market and future financing of renewable energy projects
  • Unlocking onshore and offshore wind potential
  • Large-scale commercial energy storage projects
  • Modernisation and privatization of distribution assets (DSOs)



We look forward to seeing familiar and new faces in July, offline or online!

If you have any enquiries or suggestions do not hesitate to contact Anna Kuzminskaya: +380 63 7673207

For detailed information and registration follow the link >>

Join the UEF Group on FACEBOOK and follow our updates.

DiasporaAid: Opportunities for diaspora and migrant engagement to advance Ukraine’s economic development

DiasporaAid: Opportunities for diaspora and migrant engagement to advance Ukraine’s economic development

We are organizing a series of online webinars which aim to launch a more structured discussion in Ukraine on how to activate and engage the potential of Ukraine’s diaspora and migrant community in Ukraine’s economic development. 

Join us as we bring together Ukrainian diaspora, Government of Ukraine, international community and other diasporas of the world, for discussion and debate

Stay tuned for the following online events on economic engagement of diaspora and migrant community



June 29, 2021


Link for registration:

Focus of this webinar will be on the development of mechanisms and platforms for retail investors from the Ukrainian diaspora and migrant community to invest in Ukraine.  We will also explore international experience and learn about different diaspora and migrant investment instruments that can potentially be transferable, scalable or adaptable to the Ukrainian context.

Moderator:  Natalia Nemyliwska, Director Economic Prosperity and Investment Committee (EPIC), Ukrainian World Congress

16:00 – 16:30 Opening remarks
MFA representative (TBC)
Lenna Koszarny, Chair, EPIC and Vice President, Ukrainian World Congress (TBC)
Sergiy Tsivkach, Executive Director, UkraineInvest
Michael Newson, Senior Labour Migration and Human Development Specialist, IOM Regional Office Vienna
16:30 – 16:55 Role and experience of international organizations and stakeholders in developing and promoting migrant and diaspora investment
Kateryna Ardanyan, Migration and Development Officer, IOM Ukraine
Karim Karaki, Senior Associate, PwC Luxembourg

Mariia Volkovska, Manager,  PwC Ukraine

16:55 – 17:10 Engaging economically the Ukrainian diaspora and migrant community: potential, experience and expectations
Zenon Potoczny, President, Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, Canada
Emma Turos, Managing Director, Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, Ukraine
17:10 – 17:40 International experience: good practices and lessons learned
Manoela Lussi, Programme Manager of Diaspora project, IOM Albania
Yohannes Assefa, Board Member, Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund
17:40 18:00 Questions and answers


MIPIM 2021 will take place in September in a hybrid format. Ukraine will be represented at the exhibition in March 2022

International investment exhibition MIPIM resumes its operation after several reschedules. MIPIM September Edition 2021 will offer its participants a hybrid format during September 7 – 8 in Palais des Festivals, Cannes. Ukraine will be represented at MIPIM in the usual format with an exhibition stand, program, and Ukrainian business community in 2022 from March 15th – 18th.

According to the organization committee, MIPIM September Edition is aimed to reconnect ‘in-person’ with industry leaders to achieve business goals and reassess strategy after a long pause due to COVID-19!

The hybrid format of MIPIM 2021 means a combination of a new digital platform, accessible all year long to the MIPIM community together with physical experience including exhibition stands, offline events, and MIPIM Awards.

According to Dmitry Dopiro, MIPIM Representative in Ukraine MIPIM September Edition is a unique event, designed to bring the international real estate community and investors together in person after months of restrictions. This special two-day event will give MIPIM clients around the world the opportunity to come together for the first time this year, participate in high-level conferences, use networking opportunities at an exhibition area and on the digital platform.

There are several formats of participation at MIPIM 2021:

  • Annual digital pass gives access to matchmaking and networking on the platform until the end of 2021 including extended access to content & participants directories of Propel by MIPIM 2021 events and MIPIM Asia Summit 2021.
  • September Digital Pass gives access to online networking and keynotes until the end of September.
  • Onsite pass gives access to MIPIM events, conferences, networking & exhibition area in Cannes 7-8 September 2021 as well as all digital benefits, including extended digital platform access content & participants directories of Propel by MIPIM 2021 events, MIPIM Asia Summit 2021, and other digital events until the end of 2021.

Even though Ukraine will not be represented at MIPIM with an exhibition stand in September, representatives of all Ukrainian real estate businesses are invited to participate in the common program provided by MIPIM September Edition 2021.

“After discussion with the partners, we concluded that Ukraine will participate in the usual four-day exhibition which will take part in March 2022. Such an approach is more appropriate for achieving the goals we set. Thus, now we focus on preparing for MIPIM 22. During this year we have already conducted the online session with local and international speakers. In the fall we will hold the hybrid event for all partners”, says Anna Nestulia, initiator and co-organizer of Ukraine at MIPIM. 


MIPIM is one of the most important International events gathering investors from all over the world. The first event took place in 1990. For the last 3 decades, the exhibition has been demonstrating exciting results proving its global status. Over 26 800 people attended the event annually. Among them 6300 investors, over 4100 top managers, 3800 companies, guests from 100 countries. The exhibition put together hundreds of conferences, discussions, presentations. Participants not only find partners there but also share their experience and innovative approaches to the business.


Ukraine has been represented at MIPIM for over 15 years by cities, companies, and various projects. For the last three years, the Ukrainian market has been represented by Kyiv City, which has been headed by Mayor Vital ii Klitschko and supported by the local business community. Ukraine at MIPIM was launched in 2017 with the mission to make Ukraine and its projects visible on the global investment map by all means offered at MIPIM.
Ukraine at MIPIM will go forward with the enhancement of a consistent approach and further diversification of the projects’ geography.

“UkraineInvest Talks: Dnipro” to showcase investment potential of Eastern Ukraine

Discover the investment potential of Ukraine’s regions at the International Conference UkraineInvest Talks: Dnipro” on May 27, 2021.

Reforms progress and investment climate development in Ukraine, advantages of the Law On State Support for Investment Projects with Significant Investments and much more will be presented at the high-profile interactive platform for the international investment community.
The Conference program will feature a series of dynamic and interactive discussions with over 50 speakers, including government officials, ministers, representatives of the business community, international financial organizations, and expert community.

Key topics to be addressed:
Investment policy and regional development;
Investment Incentives for projects with significant investments;
Building “Investment bridges” between Ukrainian Regions and the World;
Investors experience in the regions of Ukraine.
Conference is organized due to joint efforts of the Government Investment Promotion Office UkraineInvest, Dnipro City Council and Dnipro Development Agency. Please follow the link for more details.
The Conference will be held online in two languages: Ukrainian and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided during broadcasting.

Please follow the link to register for the event. The registration will be confirmed before May 26.

Mass media accreditation is required via the registration form and will be confirmed on May 26.

For media partnership and cooperation please contact


International Council

of Business Associations and Chambers of Commerce in Ukraine



Date&time: May 28, 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 (Kyiv)

Meeting format: Online via ZOOM (English language)

Meeting link:

 Participants: ICBAC Members, Kherson Region State Administration, Regional Branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine

Moderator: Emma TUROS, General Secretary, International Council of Business Associations and Chambers (ICBAC), Managing Director Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce


Time Topic & Speaker
09:50 – 10:00 Registration, technical checks
10:00 – 10:05 Welcome notes, introduction of participants.

–         Emma TUROS, General Secretary, International Council of Business Associations and Chambers (ICBAC), Managing Director Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce;

–         Artur MADATIAN, Advisor to the Head of Kherson oblast state administration.

10:05 – 10:25 Presentation of the project «Privatization of Skadovsk Sea Commercial Port».

–         Halyna TESLYUK, Head of the Regional Branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine;

–         Oleksandr KUGUT, Director of Skadovsk Sea Commercial Port.

10:25 – 10:35 Q&A session
10:35 – 10:55 Presentation of the project «Privatization of SE “Heroisk Research and Industrial Enterprise»

Dmytro BUKHTIYAROV, Director of the Heroisk Research and Industrial Enterprise;

Halyna TESLYUK, Head of the Regional Branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine;

10:35 – 10:55 Presentation of the project «Privatization of SE “Heroisk Research and Industrial Enterprise»

Dmytro BUKHTIYAROV, Director of the Heroisk Research and Industrial Enterprise;

Halyna TESLYUK, Head of the Regional Branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine;

10:55 – 11:05 Q&A session
11:05 – 11:25 Presentation of the Regional Development Agency “European Integration Office” of Kherson region.

Oleksandra FADEEVA, Director of the Regional Development Agency “European Integration Office”

11:25 – 11:30 Q&A session
11:30 11:40 Conclusions and planning the next steps

ICBAC & State Fiscal Service

May 17, 2021 Members of the International Council of Business Associations and Chambers (ICBAC) met with Head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFSU) Vadym Melnyk and Head of the Office of Effective Interaction with Business Kostryantyn Turchak and Manager of the Office Maryana Mazur.


In the course of discussion Mr. Melnyk talked about reform of SFSU and its key achievements within the last four months. Telling about work of the office he emphasized on different approach to legal and illegal businesses: «One of the important factors of economic security is clear division between legal and illegal businesses, outlining the boundaries and ways for interacting: with legal businesses – dialogue and partnership; with illegal businesses – taking a hardline, within the legislative framework only, no attempts to “reach an agreement“.


Head of the Office of the Effective Interaction with Business has outlined the core goals of the Office: “We aim towards the common analytical base and extensive dialogue between the Business and Government for the better Economic Security of the country and better conditions for the legal business”

We thank the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine for its openness to dialogue and willingness to actively cooperate with business.

ICBAC is including ten business associations and chambers:

British-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce  Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce CCA – Китайська Торгова Асоціація CCI France Ukraine AHK Ukraine Swedish Business Association in Ukraine  Türk Ukrayna İşadamları Derneği (TUİD)  Ukrainian-Austrian Association  U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) Торгово-промислова палата України / Ukrainian CCI , which together represent about 9000 Ukrainian and foreign companies.

Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest news!

Large-scale privatization object in Ukraine

Dear all,

The State Property Fund of Ukraine, in line with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 25, 2019 № 883-r, has completed preparations for privatization of the large-scale privatization object – JSC “United Mining and Chemical Company”. Auction for sale 100% of shares will take place in the third quarter of 2021 (late July).

This would be the first auction of large-scale privatization in the last many years, which is important for Ukraine’s economy, as well as a significant image basis for building Ukraine’s reputation as a country, which is open to large investments and foreign investors.


For More info click here

Dear Friends!

Please accept my sincere wishes of Happy Easter! May the warmth of being together with your loved ones bring lots of positive emotions and reflections!

Stay safe!

Zenon Potoczny

President, Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce

Meet our members – Telx Inc.

Telx Inc. is a phone and internet service provider offering Business Phone Service, Business Phone Systems, and Office Phone Solutions in Toronto and GTA for over 15 years.

Founded in 2003, Telx Inc. is a next-generation Internet, telephone, and long-distance provider with a mission to utilize new and emerging technologies of Internet telephony. Telx Inc. is a Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunication Commission certified Re-seller of Telecommunications Services. Telx Inc. offers high-quality long-distance calling to any destination at very competitive prices.

The company provides both business and home services:

  • business and home internet
  • business and home phone solutions
  • TV
  • long-distance calling
  • CRM integration
  • hosted PBX

More info on Telx Inc. website and FB page

Presentations from the Development of Extractive Industries in Ukraine event

On April 22, 2021 CUCC in cooperation with US-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) hosted a webinar “Development of Extractive Industries in Ukraine”. More information about the event, including a recording you may find here.

An event gained a big audience and as a response to numerous requests, we are posting the presentations of the event speakers:

1. Presentation by Sergiy Tsivkach, Executive Director of UkraineInvest



2. Presentation by Taras Yeleyko, Deputy Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine



3. Presentation by Roman Opimakh, Head of State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine


Should you have more questions please inquire at